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Show Notes

After Dark Dispatch Episode 15

"rad libs"

Cover Art for ADD Episode 15

Direct [link] to the mp3 file


if you weren't in chat, you get to play mad libs! it won't be that hard. and no, it's not political, go hop in a cold shower :P

Paper is the cash of the mind. "Welcome to the Internet...TELL US EVERY THOUGHT YOU THINK." no.FUCKyewww.

LikeSUBscribeFOLLOW. We'll give you the world, and you can take it with you! We just like to watch. And listen. LOOK HOW SHINY!!!! #wewantyoursoul

Where's that hologram I ordered?!? Fine then. OH SO FINE. I'm gonna have to see HR about this...problem...

metadata isn't data...remember? so it doesn't count. at least, not wittingly. /me plucks eyebrows nervously"OMFGuCantDoThatItsNotAllowedStopBeingMeanAndGoBackToPickingYourBoogers"

tickle this hellmo

ain't be no chicken, get to fuckin' nose pickin'. don't need no FUCKin' referral fer that shit, ain'tchy?!

23skidoo, bitjizz! ;) :P


[01] [Thomas Vx - Frontier] [CC BY-ND 3.0]

[02] [The Grammar Club - Waiting To Die] [CC BY-NC-SA 3.0]

[03] [niteffect - theory of well-being] [CC BY-NC-ND]

[04] [Halley Labs Associates - i rearranged us] []

[05] [Stevia Sphere - Clown Car Bounce] [CC BY 3.0]

[06] [Doctor Turtle - The Void Says Hi] [CC BY 3.0]

[07] [illocanblo - casfgagara] [CC BY-NC-SA 3.0]

[08] [Voytek Pavlik - DODGE THIS] [CC BY 3.0]

[09] [ - super strong monsters] [CC BY 3.0]

[10] [darius + rotteen - everblossom train] [Under its own license. Used with permission. I think.]


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